On point.

Ten Stories: About inspiration and design - the story of our "Ten Years" artwork with Götz Gramlich.

How does creativity actually develop? What abilities do particularly creative people have, or do each of us even possess the basic prerequisites for it? These questions are sometimes controversially discussed in science and psychology. At least for the former, Götz Gramlich has already found an answer for himself personally.

The creative.


“Inspiration surrounds us everywhere and constant curiosity helps us to find it as well. This inspiration is my basis for creative work.” Gramlich, who was born in Heidelberg and studied communication design, founded his studio “gggrafik” in 2005. In addition to many international and national awards, Gramlich won the prestigious poster competition for the “Kieler Woche” in 2017. He was a visiting professor at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and is a member of the A.G.I. – Alliance Graphique Internationale. Now he is also responsible for the Coboc “Momentum”.


Focus on the essentials.


Inspiration and creativity are therefore the first step. However, the design as the ultimate result that should follow is still a long way off at this point. “For me, good design always comes from a good idea. For the further implementation, however, you always have to think about what makes the brand tick and then represent that in a typographically emblematic way reduced to the essentials.” This is also how Gramlich proceeded in the case of our artwork.


Poster Druck Coboc Poster Druck Coboc

Simply energetic.


The first question that remained was: What actually makes Coboc stand out? “I looked at the design of your e-bikes, of course. They are very reduced, right to the point.” At the same time, however, there is also the lively inner life, which can only be guessed at from the outside through the LEDs on the user interface. Sensors process signals and translate them into algorithms, a battery full of energy and a motor that converts this energy into propulsion. It is precisely this mixture of slim, simple, sleek on the one hand and energetic impulsiveness on the other that Gramlich has brought together in his work.


Up to the next.


This fusion is not only visually successful, but our motto “Momentum” also serves as a unifying element and thus also fits in seamlessly in terms of content. Of course, a 10-year anniversary is always a good moment to pause and reflect on our roots. Nevertheless, the next ten years lie ahead of us and are waiting to be tackled. With drive, ideas and a lot of joy in what we do.

Coboc turns 10!

Around our anniversary season we have prepared some promotions and stories for you. Check out our Ten Years page to make sure you don’t miss anything. Or click directly to the Ten Stories.

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