Lightweight e-bikes.

Under 20 kilograms. Designed in Heidelberg.

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For a long time, the e-bike market was dominated exclusively by very heavy and clunky models. Suitable for everyday use? Not a chance! At the latest when urban obstacles such as stairs or transport with alternative means of transport are imminent, the aching back already announces itself. We say: There must be another way and therefore combine low weight and timeless design with our e-bikes. Discover all the advantages of lightweight e-bikes now and find the right model for you. Arrange a test ride for your new favorite model or buy it directly in our online store.

Vesterbro DMT raw

Vesterbro DMT


Commute in style.

Vesterbro DMT grey

Vesterbro DMT


Beautiful. Lightweight. Commuting.

Merano Focus Award 2022

Merano DMT


15.6 kg – Practical in everyday life.

Produktbild des Merano DMT von Coboc mit Focus Design Award 2022

Merano DMT


One e-bike. A thousand possibilities.

Brooklyn FAT raw

Brooklyn FAT


Singlespeed and belt drive with only 13.1 kg.

Brooklyn FAT


Think Fat. Think Fast. Think Forward.

Leichtes Gravel-E-Bike Torino 527 von Coboc



Beyond the tarmac.

Leichtes Gravel-E-Bike Torino in Grün von Coboc



Every day a new adventure.

Iseo Red Focus Award



The trekking e-bike with only 17.8 kg.

Produktbild des leichten Trekking-E-Bikes Iseo von Coboc mit Focus E-Bike Award 2022



Electrifying your adventure.

Leichtes Tiefeinsteiger E-Bike Coboc Kallio CMF in der Farbe schwarz

Kallio CMF


17.2 kg – comfort has never been this light.

Leichtes Tiefeinsteiger E-Bike Coboc Kallio CMF rot

Kallio CMF


Some comfort please, with dynamics and extra fun riding.

Produktbild E-Bike Sydney



14,5 kg – Surf your city.

eCycle F1


Our origin, our future.

Vesterbro TPZ Raw Finish

Vesterbro TPZ


15,6 kg - for your everyday ways.

Vesterbro TPZ blue

Vesterbro TPZ


Fully equipped e-bike for commuters with only 15.6 kg.

Produktbild Merano TPZ Coboc District Red

Merano TPZ


One e-bike. One thousand possibilities.

Produktfoto Coboc Merano TPZ Riesling Silver

Merano TPZ


The perfect companion in everyday life, on tours or on cycling vacations.

What are the advantages of lightweight e-bikes?

The advantages of lightweight e-bikes over means of transport such as bus, train or car are many. Instead of stuffy air in overcrowded cars, you can expect a fresh breeze in your face every day. The exercise in the fresh air has a positive effect on your health. The nerve-racking search for a parking space in the crowded cities is also completely eliminated with an e-bike. You not only arrive at your destination with less stress, but also faster. A study by the ADFC has shown: For distances up to 5 km, cyclists outpace all other road users in the city. Rigid departure schedules or delays due to traffic jams are also no longer an issue. Instead, maximum flexibility with an e-bike is the trump card.

Of course, a lightweight e-bike also offers significant advantages over the usual 20 kg models on the market. For example, if you use your bike mainly in urban terrain, you can easily carry a Coboc e-bike with its low weight over obstacles like stairs or into public transport. But also in the handling of your bike you feel with a lightweight model a significantly improved agility and control when navigating through traffic. Especially in narrow places in crowded cities, this aspect provides additional safety.


But do you have to accept a loss in range? Not with us! Depending on the model, our e-bikes with the installed Coboc Electric Drive offer a range of 70-110 km precisely thanks to their sophisticated design. A nice side effect: Our lightweight e-bikes can be ridden like a normal bike even without the electric support of the motor, if you feel like it.

Mann und Frau auf leichtem Trekking E-Bike Coboc Merano Mann und Frau auf leichtem Trekking E-Bike Coboc Merano

Why a lightweight e-bike from Coboc?

With over ten years of experience in the development of pedelecs, we at Coboc can draw on a lot of experience. Our models combine elementary features of good e-bikes such as light weight, high quality and equipment that is perfectly matched to your intended use. All our models weigh less than 20 kg and are therefore real lightweights on the market. This is made possible by our in-house design DNA. It focuses on dispensing with frills, concentrating on the essentials and thus giving each of our lightweight e-bikes a timeless, elegant look.


But a high standard doesn’t end for us after you’ve held your e-bike happily and full of anticipation in your hands. For this reason, we attach great importance to excellent service and a personal contact person. If something should happen to your e-bike and a service case arises, you can either contact us directly or have a competent contact person directly at your side with your Coboc dealer partner.

Which lightweight e-bike from Coboc is right for me?

In our wide portfolio you will find the perfect lightweight e-bike for your purpose.


Are you looking for a commuter e-bike? Then you’ll love our Vesterbro TPZ and Vesterbro DMT. Fully equipped with everything you need for your daily commute, our commuter e-bike features a Brooks England saddle and grips, and weighs in at just 15.6 kg.


Our Merano, also 15.6 kg light, is affectionately referred to by us as an all-rounder. It is suitable thanks to light, fenders and bag holders as well as slightly wider tires both as a touring bike, as well as for all paths in the city.


Now it gets a little extravagant: Our Brooklyn FAT is just as excitingly creative as the New York borough itself. Thanks to the belt drive, you can move quickly and almost silently through any urban jungle on our lightweight 13.1 kg urban singlespeed e-bike.


You like it more sporty? Then leave the town sign behind after work with our 14.1 kg Torino gravel e-bike. For more suitability for everyday use, you can easily retrofit bag holders and mudguards.


Our Iseo is your perfect companion for adventures off the asphalt. Equipped with a suspension fork and treaded tires, our interpretation of a lightweight trekking e-bike weighs just 17.5 kg. Pretty cool, isn’t it?


Who says step-through e-bikes are boring? The Kallio breathes new life and fresh air into a rather staid bike genre. Experience 17.2 kg finest Coboc driving experience with the extra portion of comfort.

Arrange a test ride or buy your lightweight e-bike directly in our online store.

With our dealer locator you can easily find a Coboc dealer near you and arrange a test ride for a model of your choice. If you have already decided, you can select your desired model above and order directly online.

Frequently asked questions about lightweight e-bikes.

Which e-bike is the lightest?


All Coboc e-bikes are lighter than 20 kg. The spearhead is our singlespeed e-bikes with belt drive. At 10.8 kg, the eCycle F1 is a real showstopper and our lightest model – made for high-speed adventures in urban terrain.

How many years do e-bike batteries last?


The service life of an e-bike battery depends heavily on the storage and charging method. If you store your Coboc e-bike dry and warm (above 0 degrees Celsius), especially during the cold months, and make sure that the battery is not permanently completely empty and fully charged again, a service life of over five years is definitely possible. Our Coboc e-bikes with the Coboc Electric Drive also have integrated protection mechanisms, such as the deep-sleep mode, which protect the battery. Deep discharge of the battery must be avoided at all costs.

Mann trägt Coboc eCycle F1 die Treppe hoch Mann trägt Coboc eCycle F1 die Treppe hoch

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